As an academic developer and higher education researcher, I always push the boundaries, more recently of disciplinary nature. I aim to create space for multidisciplinary international and national discourse on higher education. Scholarly encounters with researchers and practitioners from the field are critically important, particularly in the currently changing Hungarian higher education landscape.
In March 2023, together with Nikolett Mihály, from the Institute of Psychology and Professor Ben Littlepage, Fulbright Specialist from the USA, we hosted the conference entitled “Recent Challenges of Higher Education Management”. Soon after in April, to broaden the discussion, I co-organized a one-day conference with a focus on “Higher Education Pedagogy”. Speakers and audience reflected on teaching and learning (T&L) on the micro , meso and macro levels of higher education. Topics included were: academic development in Hungary, measuring students’ 21st century skills, academic freedom, international research grants and their impact on organizational culture, research metrics, and labor market and student skills. This event was in Hungarian and included speakers from Corvinus University, ELTE, Karoli Gaspar University, PwC Hungary and University of Szeged. This is a brief report in Hungarian.
On October 25, our Institute organizes a conference (English and Hungarian) with the theme “Academic Development Work and Research on T&L in Higher Education in the New Conditions” for which here is the registration site.