I have extensive experience in supporting active learning in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary settings, as well as in collaborating with faculty and students on novel approaches to teaching and learning. Interdisciplinary encounters are a fruitful source of inspiration and learning for me. I appreciate the immense value of education that is globally-relevant, highly international and focuses on societally-relevant social science research.
Creating such a learning experience requires strategies of inclusive teaching, which is a principle I wish to follow. Recognizing, accommodating and meeting the learning needs of my students in the particular institutional context is therefore critically important to me as a teacher. I found discussion-based seminars with a strong problem-based orientation an appropriate teaching strategy as these allow my students to delve into authentic dilemmas and cases in the higher education classroom.
Academic development for doctoral students
Supporting the next generation of teachers in higher education constitutes a part of my teaching activities. I co-designed (together with Sally Schwager and Joanna Renc-Roe) the CTL Certificate Program for Excellence in Teaching in Higher Education (launched in 2012). This program prepares doctoral students for teaching and mentoring in higher education. A derivative of the program still exists at the Central European University, Vienna.
Currently, at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (PPK), Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, I am involved in mentoring doctoral students and early-career faculty. I co-teach with Dr. Gorana Misic (Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, UK) the Foundations in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education course at the ELTE PPK Doctoral School of Education.

Courses for master’s students
I also teach at the master’s level – in Hungarian and in English – as part of the Human Resource Counseling program offered at the Institute of Research on Adult Learning and Knowledge Management of ELTE PPK. These courses focus on issues around learning and development that may take various forms (individual, collective, societal, formal, informal, online, in-person etc.) and be embedded in various locations and contexts (information society, economy, workplace, home, higher education etc.). These are discussion-based courses where a collective inquiry plays an important role in student learning. Assignments aim to link theory (or research-based approach) with practice and applicability. Currently, I offer these courses:
- Adult Learning and Development
- Learning and Development Organizations
- Change Management
- The Methodology of Scientific Research
- Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management
If you would like to read more about my teaching activities, please click here.
If you would like to read more about all my professional activities, please visit the News page.